Monday 22 October 2012

Introduction to learning styles

Research learning style system

A learning Style is the type of way that people can learn things best. Some people can remember information by just reading were as others may need to see and example or be more hands on with things.

Active learning

Active learners understand things easier by doing something active that relates to it or discussing it with others in a group etc.

Reflective learning-

Reflective learners will learn things better by first thinking about it. And will also like to do work alone. They like to take their time to process the information

Sensing learning-

    • like to learn facts
    • like to solve problems using clear methods
    •  patient with details and are good at memorising facts and doing hands on work
    • tend to be more practical and careful
    • do not like courses that have no apparent connection to the real world

Intuitive learning
·         tend to work faster and are more innovative
·         dislike repetition
·         don’t like courses that involve a lot of memorisation 
·         also tend to be careless with work as they work very fast

Visual learning - 
·         visual learners like to use images and videos to learn things, they can easily visual objects etc and like using maps and other visual learning equipment
·         visual learners will not like to take notes all the time and find it hard to learn by just reading
Verbal learning –
Verbal learners will learn best from listening and writing. They will enjoy both reading and writing, and find it easy to listen to a teacher explaining things to them during the class.

Global Learners –
Global learners tend to learn in random amounts,
·         They learn well in groups.
·          They tend to learn more than one thing at once but may miss some detail.
·          A global learner tends to read between the lines and see the bigger picture instead of individual details.
·         Global learners may be able to solve complex problems quickly, but may find it hard to explain how they got the answer.

Sequential Learners –
Sequential learners will learn by doing things in steps and studying each step. These learners tend to have a good memory, sequential learners also like to categorise the notes they take down and like everything in order.

The VARK Questionnaire Results
Your scores were:
  • Visual: 8
  • Aural: 9
  • Read/Write: 7
  • Kinaesthetic: 7

You have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference

Preferred Learning Style
My Preferred learning style is multi-modal which means that I can learn from various styles and don’t really have a particular style which will help me in a lot of situations whether it may be a practical class or a theory class i will still be able to learn.